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Jalapeno Bacon Wrapped Corn

My favorite thing about summer is grilling corn. Grilling bacon wrapped corn is even better, but grilling up some jalapeno bacon wrapped corn? It doesn’t get much better than this!

Bacon Wrapped Corn with a Jalapeno and Cilantro blend that will take your summer grilling to the next level! Full of flavor and spiciness! dadwithapan.com

I made a cilantro garlic and jalapeno blend that pairs together so well with the bacon and corn flavors, and on top of a smoky grilled flavors you can’t beat this summer treat. (Well, I guess if it was a grilled donut ice cream sandwich you could probably beat this.) I found that blending it with a little olive oil helps it stick to the bacon easier and keeps things from falling out on the grill!

Bacon Wrapped Corn with a Jalapeno and Cilantro blend that will take your summer grilling to the next level! Full of flavor and spiciness! dadwithapan.com

Corn on the cob is one of our son’s favorite things to eat, so any chance I get to serve up corn on the cob to get something other than a chicken nugget, slice of cheese or PB&J in his belly I’m all over that! Of course, he’ll eat bacon. cilantro and jalapeno? I’m working him up to that!

One day he’ll get out of this picky phase… One day…

Bacon Wrapped Corn with a Jalapeno and Cilantro blend that will take your summer grilling to the next level! Full of flavor and spiciness! dadwithapan.com

Keeping the bacon in bacon wrapped corn on the cob!

The trickiest part about this recipe is getting the bacon to stick to the corn. Once it starts to get warm and heat up it starts to slide all over the place. Using some toothpicks to hold them in place helps until it’s cooked, then pull them out as your eating. You might want to get colored toothpicks so they’re obvious so you don’t have anyone chomping down on an unseen toothpick.

Bacon Wrapped Corn with a Jalapeno and Cilantro blend that will take your summer grilling to the next level! Full of flavor and spiciness! dadwithapan.com

You’ll also want to watch the flames on the grill or possibly even put a drip pan in between the cooking grid and heat tent(or coals) just to keep flare ups down. I’m on a gas grill so I found keeping the temperature medium to medium low helps. Anything higher than that and I found my self trying to play fireman, from the bacon grease catching fire!

Bacon Wrapped Corn with a Jalapeno and Cilantro blend that will take your summer grilling to the next level! Full of flavor and spiciness! dadwithapan.com

Jalapeno Bacon Wrapped Corn

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 2 people
Print Recipe


  • 1 whole jalapeno
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1/4 cup cilantro
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 4 slices bacon
  • 2 whole corn on the cob


  • Heat your grill. In a food processor, blend jalapeno, garlic, cilantro and olive oil for about 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Spread the blen on one side of your bacon.
  • Wrapped the 2 bacon slices in spirals around each corn, using toothpicks to anchor the bacon to the worn in the ends and middle where the 2 slices meet.
  • Grill for about 15 minutes or until the bacon is cooked to your desired doneness turning evey 5 minutes or so.
  • Sprinkle a little more of the remaining cilantro jalapeno blend and serve. Enjoy!
Derek Campanile
Derek Campanile
I'm an IT professional by day. Home cook for the family by night. Follow my blog for easy to make recipes, how-to's and ideas to gather the family at the dinner table!