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Easy 5-Minute Hummus

Who knew blended garbanzo beans with a little olive oil and seasoning could be so freaking delicious?! While my son was still in his mother’s womb, this was something we had to keep in the house in bulk. Hummus. Lots of Hummus.

Easy 5-Minute Hummus

And now that he’s a toddler, hummus STILL needs to be in the house in bulk! It’s crazy to me how cravings a mother has while her child is in the womb, becomes favorite foods of the child when they’re growing up!

Easy 5-Minute HummusAnd if your family is on a budget like ours, store bought hummus can get pricey – especially at the rate it goes in our house! Think about it – a can of garbanzo beans is like 1 dollar, and you probably already have olive oil and other ingredients already in the house.

Compare that to already prepared hummus off the shelf. It adds up fast! Hummus traditionally contains tahini, which is a ground sesame paste, but to keep this recipe simple we’re going to say no to tahini!

Easy 5-Minute Hummus

Making it at home is so simple! All you need is a food processor and you can have a fresh batch done in around 5 minutes, and it’s so delicious! It’s great with pita chips or carrots as a snack, add it into a quesadilla, or my current favorite – in a veggie wrap as a condiment! It really doesn’t matter how you eat it, you’re going to want more of it!

Easy 5-Minute Hummus


There isn’t much to prep here, but feel free to experiment with flavors on this one. This is a simple hummus base recipe that you can expand upon, adding your favorite ingredients to: avocado, jalapeno, bell peppers, or maybe pine nuts.  Whatever your floats your boat!

Easy 5-Minute Hummus

Using good quality Olive Oil for Hummus

If your hardcore about your EVOO, I would definitely suggest this olive oil sent to me from Kasandrinos International. It has a really good flavor, and you can definitely tell a difference in dishes used with it especially this one. I’ve always loved cooking and making dishes with olive oil, but never have I used the high end stuff, and it is pretty amazing!

note: I am affiliated with Kasandrinos International, by clicking on the link above and purchasing, I would get a commission, which I would definitely appreciate!

Easy 5-Minute Hummus

On To The Recipe

Easy 5-Minute Hummus

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 4 People
No tahini? No problem! We're making a simple hummus recipe using garbanzo beans, olive oil, lemon juice and cumin. Awesome snack and condiment for wraps!
Print Recipe


  • 15 oz garbanzo beans
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp red wine vinegar
  • 1 small garlic cloves
  • 1/2 whole lemon


  • Drain your garbanzo beans into a strainer, and rinse.
  • Place the beans into a food processor
  • Squeeze the juice out of the lemon into the processor, using your hand as a strainer to prevent seeds from getting through.
  • Add the garlic clove (peeled of course), with the cumin and salt.
  • Add in the red wine vinegar and about 2 tbsp of olive oil to start.
  • Blend for about 2 minutes. If it still has a chunky consistency, it's because it's not wet enough to move through the food processor easily. Add at most another 1 tbsp of olive oil, then, if needed, 1 tbsp of water to thin it out so you can get it blended to the right consistency. Blend time shouldn't be any longer than about 4 minutes total
  • Serve with some pita chips, and enjoy!
Derek Campanile
Derek Campanile
I'm an IT professional by day. Home cook for the family by night. Follow my blog for easy to make recipes, how-to's and ideas to gather the family at the dinner table!