Pot Roast is one of my all time favorite comfort foods. It’s simple, fills your up, and hits the spot on a cold night. Even though spring is here I thought I’d share this recipe just before we put our sweaters away!
The weather has been odd this year in California. And by odd, I mean it’s actually been raining and cold for once in the winter. We’ve had record breaking rainfall, and an actual long stretch of cold weather. We’ve been even getting patches of rain in March! What’s going on?!
I know all you east coasters are laughing. 50 degree weather in the middle of winter is something to be happy about when you’re out in the east coast salting your curbs and scraping ice off your car every morning!
So when its time to warm up. This is something I like to make in the morning and let simmer all day. A nice cut of chuck roast, simmering in beef broth, red wine, fresh thyme, rosemary, onions, potatoes and carrots.
My absolute favorite though, is cooking down the juice from the pot to turn it into a gravy for the pot roast!
When I brown my chuck roast I like to take a little mustard and rub it onto one side of the chuck, with sat and pepper, then take slices of garlic and press it into the meat to get some flavor infused into the chuck while it browns.
After getting the veggies and herbs in the pot along with red wine and beef broth, it’s hands off for the next 6 hours! I enjoy cooking this in a dutch oven, so that I can cook everything in one pot since I’m browning the meat. The hours though, are the same if you’re going with a crock pot. So its up to you!