Breakfast and Pizza has got to be the best combo ever! Well Next to a Denver omelette. I love those things too! So what better than to combine the flavors of both and make the best breakfast pizza ever!!
If you have the right equipment this is a super easy recipe to through together. Rather than using the oven, I used a Bakerstone Pizza Oven Box that I got on an insane clearance at target. If you caught my Instagram stories a month ago you know what I’m talking about ; )
Any type of pizza oven will do, it really makes a huge difference in time and the way the pizza comes out vs, the conventional oven. Your breakfast pizza will taste much more authentic!
So the omelette part? Well here’s a funny story, I was initially planning on basing this off my supreme breakfast pizza recipe, but my wife can’t stand over easy eggs right now. Some things they she couldn’t stomach during her pregnancy are still sticking.
So I quickly scrambled one of the eggs on top of the pizza and said “Got you covered babe! your side is scrambled!”
But for me, its a runny egg, loads of bacon, cheese and bell peppers all day! But its quite tasty even to have a little scrambled egg on top of your pizza, so if you’re looking to change it up a little, try scrambling the egg!