I’ve never tried spatchcocking a turkey before, but this Thanksgiving I wanted to give it a shot. The benefit of a spatchcocked turkey is that it cooks evenly and quicker, keeping your breast meat from drying out. Win-Win right?
In order to spatchcock a turkey, you need to cut out its backbone, then you’re basically butterflying it after that, laying it as flat as possible on a roasting pan.
I love how much faster it is to cook a turkey this way. My bird was about 12 lbs pre-spatchcocked, so I’m thinking closer to 11 lbs afterwards, and was done in a little under two hours. Which was perfect, becuase I”ve been constantly on the go lately and haven’t had much time to really slow down.
So a quick cooking bird is perfect!!1
And a spatchcocked turkey is so easy to carve. The legs come off with one quick cut at the joing, and carve the breasts as usuual. And there is twice the amount of crispy meat. My favorite part!!