Whether they’re baked, or fried, if you’ve never had a chicken flauta in your life prepared to be blown away! Flautas are the taquito’s bigger brother, stuffed with chicken and cheese and wrapped in a flour tortilla. These things are amazing and I’ll take one over a taquito any day.
Normally these are made with regular, or even soft taco sized tortillas, but why double your prep time when you can make one large flauta and cut in in half after it’s done?! Doing this, on top of slow cooking the chicken during the day in a crock pot will make a great quality dinner within 30 minutes once everyone gets home from their day.
If you don’t have time in the morning (I have the luxury of not having to get to work super early), Throw all the chicken corck pot ingredients in the crock pot at night, store in the fridge, then throw it in the crock pot on your way out the door in the morning!
I’m not gonna lie. I put tin foil on my baking sheet because it’s in terrible condition! IF you want to save on clean up time you can use tin foil too, just be careful when taking the flautas off after they’re cooked because they may take some tin foil with them.
So I’ve fried flautas in the past and they taste great. But outside of being healthier, baking is a lot cleaner and quicker to do.
You have about 15 minutes of down time. Cook up some Quick Spanish Rice and make some Avocado Pico. You’ll be glad you did!