Father’s Day breakfast is all about those “manly” meals. I love anything bacon, sausage, and most of all eggs. Combine that with a nice cheese pizza and you’ve got a breakfast pizza that any Dad will love!
One of my favorite Father’s day items that is way easy to make breakfast pizza. I use store bought items like pre-made pizza dough, bacon, sausage, red bell pepper and Nellie’s Free Range Eggs.
Everything is fresh, delicious, and ready to cook!
Nellie’s Free Range eggs are Certified Humane – meaning no cages, and they’re free to do what they were born to do. Roost, scratch and dust bathe in the grassy outdoors!
They’re a happy hen laying a happy egg. And a happy egg is a good egg.
When adding egg to your pizza you have two options. You can crack the egg right on top of your pizza, which works great in a pizza oven. Or, cook them separately in a pan while your pizza is cooking in the oven.
I’ve found sometimes cooking breakfast pizzas with a egg cracked on top in a regular oven doesn’t always come out correctly. The bottom of the pizza would be burned before the egg is cooked.
Or sometimes the egg is fully cooked before the pizza is done. And I love my runny eggs!
Either way you decide to cook your pizza, Dad is going to love it.